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» Can Shoulder Pain Be Treated by Physiotherapy?
Can Shoulder Pain Be Treated by Physiotherapy?

Thousands of individuals who suffer from shoulder pain may visit a physiotherapist at some point in time in their search for pain relief. A physiotherapist is a highly educated, licensed professional who treats various injuries, diseases, and chronic conditions. The main goal is to improve your daily quality of life by reducing pain and boosting strength and mobility. If you have pain or difficulty reaching for something on a high shelf, getting dressed, tucking in a shirt, or reaching into your back pocket, physiotherapy can help.

How Can Physiotherapy Help with Shoulder Pain?

Your therapist will examine your strength and range of motion, check your functioning abilities (like reaching up and behind your back), ask about your goals, and then develop a personalized treatment plan to relieve your shoulder pain, restore your mobility, and reach your goals. Physiotherapy treatments for shoulder pain may include stretching, strengthening, joint mobilization/stabilization, heat, ice, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, or athletic taping.

When Can Physiotherapy Benefit Shoulder Pain Patients?

Depending on the severity of your shoulder pain and your personal medical history, physiotherapy could be a very successful non-surgical treatment plan. Your physiotherapy goals could include strength development, education, and the development of a home exercise routine.

List of Injuries That Physiotherapy Can Fix

Physiotherapy can fix the following injuries:

1. Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff muscles are a set of four found deep in your shoulder muscles that help with the positioning of your shoulder when you move your arm. With shoulder physiotherapy, you can improve your rotator cuff in four to six weeks.

2. Bicep & Tendon Injury

A biceps tendon injury can limit the functional mobility of your shoulder or arm. Physiotherapy can help strengthen your bicep and tendon injury, and your therapist can teach you how to prevent further issues.

3. Bursitis

Physiotherapy can be a useful treatment for hip bursitis since it can alleviate pain, swelling, stiffness, and any accompanying weakness in the hip, back, or lower extremities.

4. Frozen Shoulder

If you have a frozen shoulder that is not responding to an extensive range of motion exercises or other treatment plans, physiotherapy is recommended.

5. Shoulder Labrum Tears

From some shoulder labrum tears, physiotherapy can help re-strengthen and improve control. For more severe cases, surgery may be required.

6. Shoulder Tendonitis

In the case of tendonitis, you may feel pain in your shoulder and even down in your arm when you lift or twist it. Physiotherapy can successfully treat this, which will help you to manage your pain, improve movement and strengthen your shoulder.

7. Tendonitis

Tendonitis is where the tendons are inflamed and can cause swelling and pain in the shoulder and elbows. With physiotherapy, you can relieve the pain and reduce the stiffness in the tendons.

If you have continuous shoulder pain, contact us today to help you regain motion and strength in your arm. At Radiant Physiotherapy, our team of expert physiotherapists will help your shoulder return to its previous level of function and mobility.
